Thursday, 23 April 2020

What is a service desk and what does this type of service offer?

We can define what a service desk is as an evolution of the help desk . It concentrates much more demands than the previous one and centralizes all the company's needs regarding information technology in one place, offering technical support in the area, but also a strategic aid.

As you probably already know, the help desk functions as a technical support . It is a customer service that centralizes calls on a single platform.

However, the help desk usually resolves simpler technical issues, such as the lack of access to the Internet or the difficulty of handling some software .

The Service Desk goes beyond this type of assistance, it also works as a kind of consultancy in the IT area . Thus, the contracting company counts on the help of specialists in the sector.

While the help desk is known as the "first level of service", the service desk gains the title of "second level of service" because it involves much more complex demands.

For this reason, service desk analysts need to have even more technical knowledge about the area.

The service help desk and service desk can be performed through remote access - depending on the level of the problem in question. In this case, the professional accesses the network remotely, through a specific terminal, and solves the problem without having to physically travel.

This type of solution is faster and more economical, allowing the user to remain in the comfort of their home or office while receiving the necessary support.

According to a survey by The economist , 47% of consumers say the key element of the customer experience is quick responses to requests or complaints.

Read More:  service desk role

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